Recent, Recipes

Quick and Easy – 10 Minute Salsa

I have a food confession to make!

One of my weaknesses is over snacking throughout the day.

I know that snacking in and of itself is not altogether a bad thing…

but I can find myself going overboard on the unhealthy options at times.

In a perfect world regardless of what I ate, I would have perfect health and toned arms like Michelle Obama 😉

*seriously that lady has got some nice arms 😀

But the reality is that snacking on unhealthy things regularly can lead to an unhealthy relationship with food.

Jacob and I have recently committed to making small lasting changes in our lifestyle as far as diet and exercise.

One of the main areas that we are focusing in on is our sodium intake.

We honestly did not realize how easy it was to consume large amounts on a daily basis.

Due to family history, both of us are at risk for hypertension.

The really awesome thing about early prevention is that we can actively make small lifestyle changes now that will help support a healthier lifestyle later.

I really don’t have the time to obsess over every little thing that we consume.

However, I have been trying to find ways to incorporate snacks that are healthy and aren’t as high in sodium as the processed versions.

I don’t know about everyone else but I like to buy limes in bulk.

Not only do they look great in a bowl, you can do so much with a lime in terms of adding flavor in place of salt.

Before this turns into a love post about limes (which I am sure I will revisit at a later time)…

I would love to share my quick and easy salsa. Salsa has become one of my go to snacks for the whole family this summer.

Salsa not only goes great with tortilla chips, it can also be added to a lot of other things.

With this salsa recipe you know exactly what is going in without the sacrifice of taste and quality for a healthy low sodium option.

First you want to gather all of your ingredients.

I used..

a can of low sodium black beans, a can of sweet corn, 2 cups of grape tomatoes, a handful of cilantro, half a small red onion and the juice of 1-2 limes.

These are all ingredients that I keep on hand in the pantry and fridge.

*If you are one of those people that think cilantro taste like soap (like my mom), no worries this salsa is still delicious without it 😉

After washing the tomatoes, cilantro and lime, chop the tomatoes, onions and cilantro into small pieces.

Drain/rinse the black beans and corn and pour them into a mixing bowl.

Add chopped tomatoes, cilantro and onions to the bowl.

Next, squeeze the juice of 1-2 limes

Give all the ingredients a good mix and you are done!!

Pair it with a handful of low sodium or unsalted tortilla chips and Enjoy 🙂

I hope that this recipe was as quick and easy for you as it was for me.

Is there something that you personally love to add to your salsa? Leave a comment below and share some of your ideas 🙂


Quick and Easy – 10 Minuet Salsa

Yields: 6 servings

Prep time: 5-10 mins

Cook time: 0 mins


1 can low-sodium black beans

1 can sweet corn

1/4 cup cilantro (chopped)

1/2 small red onion (chopped)

2 cups grape tomatoes (chopped)

1-2 limes (juice)


  1. Wash tomatoes, cilantro and lime.
  2. Chop tomatoes, onions and cilantro into small pieces.
  3. Drain/rinse the black beans and corn and pour into a  bowl.
  4. Add chopped tomatoes, cilantro and onions to bowl.
  5. Squeeze the juice of 1-2 limes into bowl.
  6. Mix all ingredients.
  7. Enjoy!






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